Chimney Cove Estates Property Owner,
Road work will begin this Wednesday June 14th. First phase is most likely the removal of road surface on the flat area of Chimney Cove Drive near the intersection of Chimney Cove Court.
What will happen?
Our Private Road is getting a fresh layer of Chip & Seal[C&S]. This will be from the outside of our entrance where our road meets Hickory Creek [CR346] to the ends of both Cul-de-sacs. This also includes a stretch of road where the current base material is being replaced with 4-6 in of new base. That will be in the area of where Chimney Cove Court meets Chimney Cove Drive. All Potholes and gouges will be repaired and level before the new C&S is applied.
Additionally, the Commons area will be used for a Staging Area of new Road Material. During that time the roadway to the Commons will be non-passable.
The Contractor will be working one side of the road at a time.
The Work-crew on-site will be directing cars as traffic dictates.
Please keep your vehicle speed below 20 mph or slower.
What must people expect?
*The road will be passable at most all times.
The exception to that is when a fresh laid path of oil has been placed on the road.
Normally within a minute or so rock will be applied on that fresh oil and the road will be drivable again
The expected time frame of the Project 4-6 days (weather permitting) and working hours of 8am to 6pm.
Work to begin this Wednesday [6/14/2023]
Will there be a time they cannot pass through?
*See description above.