Architectural Committee Report
A discussion was held as to the length of time allowed to complete a project, and to the possible enforcement and potential recourse of someone taking too long to complete their construction project. Furthermore, the committee desires a process to “Check in from time to time” on a construction project and to “Close the loop” with the ACC and the board on any construction project at completion.
It was decided that Jerry Parker would review the governing documents and report back to the group via email the details contained therein, whereby we would discuss next steps. Contact the AC Committee (Gregg.Blake@sbcglobal.net) if you have questions or need assistance.
Road Report
The roads were cleared of most tree branches and brush by volunteers (Bucky Davis, Rickie Davis, Rick Davis, Bill Johnson, Jerry Parker, Allan Wood, and Eric Lindner) and the donation of heavy equipment by Rick Davis. During May 2018, patch materials were purchased, and Ken Wilson filled and tamped many potholes. The strategy moving forward is twofold: 1) repair what we can; and 2) contract to cut and fix heavily damaged areas.
Covenants Review Report
The Board was charged by the POA to seek legal counsel, and submit drafts of the Covenants to the POA which would be in compliance with State statutes. A history of the Covenants review process was presented, as well as providing information relative to Chimney Cove Estates dual POA and non-profit organization status. The Covenants were submitted for competent legal review, and recommendations were prepared for the POA. POA members cast their votes, and the Amended & Restated Restrictive Covenants of Chimney Cove Estates were passed, and subsequently filed with Burnet County. A copy of the document is in Business Documents.